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Win a Melitta filter coffee machine

1 prize to be won!

Enter to win the Melitta Filter Coffee Machine - your gateway to a perfect cup of coffee every morning. Designed with precision and convenience in mind, this coffee maker ensures a delightful brewing experience, catering to the discerning coffee lover.

The Melitta employs advanced brewing technology to deliver a rich and flavorful cup of coffee. It optimally extracts the flavors and aromas from your coffee grounds, ensuring a delightful taste in every sip.

Tailor your coffee just the way you like it with customizable brewing options. Easily adjust the strength and intensity of your coffee, as well as set the brewing time to suit your schedule. Whether you prefer a strong wake-up call or a mild morning brew, this machine has you covered.

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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 19/09/2025.


Melitta Filter Coffee Machine x1